Catch Up...

It's been a long time since I've blogged...I've thought about blogging several times, but I obviously didn't get the job done until 2 months after my last post. I like to blog when I'm right in the moment, because that's when my writings are pure.
I'd like to set up my 2009 "To Do List", but I honestly don't feel that it will be necessary for next year. I believe that I will get much accomplished without it. I have really been digging my heels in to improve who I am as a person. I feel that I have made significant strides in that regard. I now feel the need to clean up else where in my life. I now have to make it easier for me to live in this society. And I think that I went in the right order by cleaning the inside, to strengthen it for this external bullsht. Because who I really am doesn't fit in this society. Hence the task of trying to be true to yourself and survive.
I know I got all outer space, but that is something that I have struggled with all of my life. The struggle of not fitting in. Not just with the hip crowd, smart crowd and all of that mess. But I have always felt like I didn't fit in this world that man has created. I feel like my connection to the universe is totally separate from my day to day operations.
I have recently sought fellowship. Something, I not only wasn't successful at, but I wasn't all that fond of it. But I think that I'd like to talk about spirituality with other people besides my girlfriend. Bless her heart...because if she's all I got, then I'll take it. But I believe there is more to learn, more to share, and I want to do that.
I wasn't sure what I was gonna talk about but this is what came out, so there you have it...