I've never been comfortable with hurt and pain cause by another person. It's so devastating to me. It's like they have control over you and have inflicted something upon you that you didn't want. But what can you do? If you keep your guards up too often you become out of touch with those who actually allow themselves to feel. But if you give what you've received, then that makes you vengeful. Few people can control vengeance. It application rarely stays to those LARGE offenders, it typically ends up being applied to petty offenses too.
So what do you do when people you love hurt you. Even after they give an apology. And what the fck is an apology. I can count on ONE hand how many people have apologized to me and I really felt like they meant it and were actually "sorry" for what they had done. I take apologies serious. Too serious. I actually expect that change and revolution will take place after it's said,lol. Dumb right. Cause who the fck feels sorry anymore. I know people who are sorry (sorry individuals, that is), but I don't know many people who are true to their apologies.
An apology compiled with change can only be done by a person who is working on their character, their spirit, and obviously their relationship with you.
So in the end, don't hurt me, that way you won't have to apologize and mean it.
Boo hoo...