Retrospective Perspective

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Mummy...

Sunday, I saw The Mummy... what a dayum waste of $8. It could have been SO good, but nay. Following the movies I visited my cousins who were just returning from Egypt, for what felt like 2 months, but was only two weeks. They showed us HUNDREDS of pictures of artifacts, tombs, and all the other jazz that comes with visiting Egypt. After a bad mummy movie and an 1-hour slide show, I should have known that my day would end the same as it started.

I assume my boo was inspired by her day, cause she did a lil' diggin of her own...through my fckn diary that was "hidden" in my car. This modern day discovery was an assortment of pages that I had written my most intimate thoughts on, dating back to 2001, which I feel comfortable equating to the Stone Ages. Okay, so let me explain myself...I recently shredded all my old pic and shat of days past. I didn't quite get to the "diary" because it took long enough to take care of the pics. So I sat them aside because I wanted to read the pages before destroying them.

As fate would have it, she would read the worst entries that discussed the robustness of my past life. Completely offended as if this was thee only content of the pages...spazz time. I won't bore with the drama piece, but emphasize more so how it felt to know that someone had read your most intimate thoughts. After the fuss, I was sad, embarrassed and just plain confused. These emotions were intensified as I read miscellaneous sheets at the shredder.

But maybe there is some good in this. Maybe burying your past isn't enough, maybe you have to shred it to properly dispose of it, Lol. But more importantly, you need to mourn it and acknowledge it AND accept it. And judging by the feelings that I felt yesterday, I can tell that I haven't done any of the above. So back to the burial grounds. And the next person that digs up that bag of shredded bones, will definitely be paid for it, because it will be my shrink.


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