Retrospective Perspective

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I decided to call this "Happy" instead of the all to overused "Gay".
As I watched "Workout" last night, I was saddened. Saddened as Jackie recalled her high school gayness and as they showed her interaction with her mother about her gayness. (FYI...Lol@ "gayness"...but you know what I mean)

Sure people feel free to through slurs, ask DUMB questions, force their adaptation of religion down your throat, but I don't think that they quite understand that painful effect that it has on someone's life.

People kinda look at you like an anomaly, a freak of nature. And all I see myself as as is ME. I don't know why people feel so comfortable targeting gay people. It's like it's open season. Why do people feel the need to go out of their way to make gay people uncomfortable.

In the beginning I said that if I could do it again, I would live in secrecy the rest of my life, just to avoid the struggle. But the times I did utilize the "don't ask don't tell" philosopy I felt ashamed and miserable. I couldn't live my life like that. I'd rather face the odds. Now I speak proudly, when I choose to speak at all.

People laugh and snicker and whose the boy and whose the girl and how strickly dickly they are, not realizing that none of that stuff matters. People still surface dwelling. And I think that's fcking corny.

People, inclusive of myself, have endured so much pain and suffering for being who they are. People don't realize how it feels to have the government deny you rights, to have people stare at you when you walk down the street, to have people not want to be your friend or your family anymore, to have people distant themselves from you, and to be out right discriminated against.

Sigh...I can go on and on and spin this a million different ways, but I'll save that for other blogs, lol.

I just wish that before people hear the word lesbian or gay and think of entertainment, to realize that there are people behind those words, people who wish to live their lives, just like everyone else.


Blogger DurtyMo said...

*sigh* Although it may not seem true I definitely feel where you're coming from. Whenever "the real you" is suppressed and not able to express yourself freely in any given situation, you feel stiffled and it really contributes to and or causes low self esteem and sometimes self hatred. It's frustrating when all you really wanna do is just be you and be accepted for who you are not by who you love. It sucks!

10:08 AM  

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