Retrospective Perspective

Monday, January 22, 2007


They say that if you don't learn from history, you'll be forced to repeat it. Some people apply that to events of war, oppresion, etc. But I've come to realize that I've been believing the same thing, but referring to it as a lesson. I believe that life, in an attempt to evoke change, sends us lessons. And if you don't peep the lesson, it will be a reoccuring event in your life.

For example, Tweet noticed that she kept getting into these altercations with Bmore locals. To the point, where she had written off the city as a place she didn't belong. But obviously a rock hit her in the head a day after altercation number 1,302. She was like yo, the same thing keeps happening to me because I keep handling it the same way. She realized that the common thread in all of this was not just the ignorance of mankind, but her reaction to the ignorance of mankind.

When faced with adversity, her defense system informed her to rage against the machine and take no prisoners. When really, life was trying to tell her, btch wake up, your fckin attitude sucks and you need to change it to get pass this. Although she's about 26 years late, she finally gets that she needs to stop letting people control her, by letting them get her upset.

And I had a little test myself. This particular one wasn't so random. It came in the form of a pestering ex, who occasionally likes to come check in to assess my current social standing and piss on what he believed to be his territory. But, HARK!, this time was a little different. I actually put part of my foot down. Of course I had some help from the person above, who gave me the extra strength by diggin' in my ass so to speak. But none the less, I did it. Lol!

I finally decided to do something different and start ending this god foresaking drag out that he and I have done for years! And after I did it, I was like whew.

In the end, you can't run from your issues or your problems, because all they do is resurface every time you try to bury those bones. It's funny, because life is really set up for you to live and learn. It's just that our nature somehow wants to ignore that.

Whatever, go figure.

So if you are in a vicious cycle that you want to end. Take a look at yourself. To try to see what the lesson is. Chances are that if you try something different, you'll end the cycle.


Blogger DurtyMo said...

BRAVO! I couldn't agree with you more. Aww @ yo gangsta boo, I luv it! LOL. What you said is true. You gotta realize that only you can change a situation, nobody else. You gotta do things differently in order to get different results. It does work!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Retrospect said...

I tell ya Durt, '07 is startin' off strong. Well at least for me. I feel like everything is like go, go, go, go and I'm like wait a minute, I'm not ready! Lol!

I'm really tryna look at sht differently, so that I can maximize life.

Feel me?

10:20 AM  
Blogger SandyBaby said...


3:44 PM  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

You wrote that for me didn't you??? Dayum wrote that for me!!!

3:48 PM  
Blogger Retrospect said...

I guess so Roycee, I guess so...

8:21 AM  

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