Retrospective Perspective

Friday, November 17, 2006


Perception is subjective. It bothers me. And perception isn't always the truth, which is another thing that makes it tricky. What you may percieve me to be, may be completely untrue. But it might as well be as good as gold to others cause they get the judgement ball and run like Jamal Lewis.

I like to think of myself as a chameleon. Because I tend to blend into my environment. I have little desire to present the real me to most of the world. So sure in a sense what I present is me, but it's not even half of the whole show. Sadly a lot of the things that people gather about me is a little...ummm not to my liking but, it is what it is. I have come to the conclusion that it is like a protective covering. That allows people to pick at one person, while you hold on safely to the real you. The you that isn't shatter proof.

Hmpf! I keep that me contained, like good china. Lol!
Why? Because the world is cold and people are careless with the things that are most precious in life. I occasionally let the head poke out, but it's seldom safe. I don't necessarily advise that this technique be used, but it's the only one I know. If I don't look out for the real me, who will...


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