Afraid to Fly…
For just about all of my life I have been a scaredy cat. Not in the most common sense, but in more subtle ways that only few would notice. My biggest fear is SUCESS. Yes, success. I don't recall giving most things even half of my best. And I haven't quite put my finger on the reason why. I'd like to think it's laziness, but according to my TWEEDY BIRD, she says that it's my momma. And I can see why cause, my mother never wanted me to really go anywhere special, do anything special, etc..
For example my mom wanted me to go to "trade school" for high school to learn a trade so that I would know who to do something and really wasn't all that impressed by me going to a college-preparatory high school and going to a university and graduating. To be honest, I really don't know what she wanted me to do, but I think that she was more focused on what she didn't want me doin'. Which is understandable considering my siblings' track records.
Pardoning the possible influence of my momma and getting back to me...I have declared myself in the past as a chronic underachiever. Maybe I just haven't found anything that I've wanted to dump my all into. I'm not sure what the hell it is, but as a result, this bird has been soaring the space between the ground and the tree tops, never knowing how it feels to touch the sky.
But maybe not for long...
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